Steven Musicant

Steven Musicant

Teaches: Ski - Alpine
Home Mountain: Hermitage Club, None, None
Gender: Male
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Hermitage Club: 0.0
Certifications: None
Years Teaching: 0.0
Years at Hermitage Club: 0.0


I love skiing and I enjoy sharing it with others. I want my students to feel passionate about skiing and comfortable on the mountain. I am an Atomic fan, but always open to exploring new skis... but NOT new boots!

I'm a reinsurance senior executive, a competitive sailor and a devoted Mets fan! My entire family loves skiing too... of course!



I love skiing and I enjoy sharing it with others. I want my students to feel passionate about skiing and comfortable on the mountain. I am an Atomic fan, but always open to exploring new skis... but NOT new boots!

I'm a reinsurance senior executive, a competitive sailor and a devoted Mets fan! My entire family loves skiing too... of course!


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