
Hello There!

Thank you for visiting ShredBetter.com. We are so excited to have you here!

We made this site to make the connection between skiers and riders to professional instructors the best experience in the world - period. We care about this challenge immensely because:

  1. Guests deserve the best lessons possible.

    To the guests, we know how hard it can be getting to the mountain for a trip can be. It can be expensive in both time, money, (and sometimes frustration). If you are getting a lesson, your instructor could and should be one of the best parts of your trip. If you could research your pro a little before your trip, you should have a much better experience.

  2. Being a teaching pro is hard.

    As fellow teaching pros, we know that being an instructor is also really hard. Teaching is a craft and an art. It takes wisdom, athleticism, endurance, and frankly love of the sport to do what we do. You deserve a place where you can tell your story and share your successes, and in turn, build your own brand. We are committed to being a place where instructors have the best seasons possible by connecting you with guests who you can set up for success before you get on the snow with them.

  3. We ski resorts.

    We aim to partner with resorts by helping them market and manage one of their most valuable assets -- their instructors. By making a platform that showcases these talents, we hope that we can help resorts fill their ski schools, and in turn, build generations of more skiers and riders for more time to come.

We are so excited to launch this season. We are passionate and dedicated about these principles and hope that ShredBetter can help fulfill them.

We would love to hear the feedback from guests, teaching pros, and our resort management partners. We promise you all that we read every email that is sent to us (info at shredbetter dot com) and promise to respond as quickly as possible.

Thanks again for visiting and happy shredding!